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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Serge Demeyer and Matthias Rieger and
                   Sander Tichelaar},
  institution =   {University of Berne},
  month =         apr,
  title =         {Three Reverse Engineering Patterns},
  year =          {1998},
  abstract =      {Whereas a design pattern describes and discusses a
                   solution to a design problem, a reverse engineering
                   pattern describes how to understand aspects of an
                   object-oriented design and how to identify problems
                   in that design. In the context of a project
                   developing a methodology for reengineering
                   object-oriented legacy systems into frameworks, weare
                   working on a pattern language for reengineering. This
                   paper presents three samples of that pattern
                   language, all dealing with reverse engineering.},
  annote =        {techreport},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback